From time to time, special programming from
major automotive shows and events may be
produced and can be made available to
affiliates and outlets. They will be made
available from our affiliate page.
Open/Billboard/Program body:
Commercial should run adjacent to the
program. Specials may range from 75 to 90
seconds, but in no case will exceed 90
Availability: 50/50 barter
commercial radio operations, no cash
required. Non-commercial radio
stations, non-barter radio stations or other
outlets may affiliate with us to carry
"Radio-Road-Test" in exchange for mutually
agreed compensation or other considerations.
One primary station/outlet per SMSA.
Multi-station clusters can run programs on
any and all stations in that cluster, but
must designate one station as the primary
Distribution/Kill Dates:
Radio-Road-Test, Radio-Road-Test Minute and
Special Programs are encoded in mono mp3 and
are available for normal pull distribution
from the password protected area of the website. Stations may opt to have
a special page created in the password
protected area for their use.
Stations may also opt to have distribution
via Dropbox. Radio-Road-Test and the
Radio-Road-Test Minute may be aired up to
months after the release date. Stations
(including a station's digital HD channel)
and outlets may transmit a contemporaneous
performance of our programs on their
respective web sites, if desired.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
concerning affiliation, clearance, and
sales tips can be found here: